Climate Change Statement

Our planet and its ecosystems, human beings, and businesses are all highly vulnerable to climate change.

As a wholly-owned subsidiary of Mitsubishi Corporation (MC), Mitsubishi Development is committed to the MC Group’s position on climate change.

All members of the MC Group believe that while climate change poses significant business risks, it also presents us with new business opportunities for innovation, disruption and growth. Accordingly, MC has set “Contributing to Decarbonized Societies” as one of its material issues as we strive to achieve sustainable growth.
In shifting to a decarbonized society, it is necessary to formulate specific policies that take into account the actual conditions (energy and power mix, geographical conditions and constraints, stage of economic development, population, etc.) that differ from country to country and region to region, and to steadily implement them one by one. Through our global network, we work with a wide range of stakeholders around the world each day in developing our business.

Visit Mitsubishi Corporation’s website to view the complete range of sustainability activities and climate change disclosures.